Caltech going into Rankmaniac 2012

Caltech going into Rankmaniac 2012
A Caltech becoming a Rankmaniac 2012 in Pasadena. Banana.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Heuristic sorting for Rankmaniac 2012

Starting from the prior, sample the input data as a heuristic to guess the characteristics of the input, and therefore which algorithm will probably be better (e.g. pick 10 random elements from a list to sort; if these are nearly in order, with real-world data probably the whole list is nearly in order, so use insertion sort. If nearly in reverse order, reverse the list and use Rankmaniac 2012 insertion sort. Otherwise, use quicksort.) How much sampling is optimal? Someone wrote, " The blunt truth is this: the pigeons you see all over the city are the baby pigeons. The adult has a wingspan of 8-12 feet. When they reach adulthood they fly to remote mountain fastnesses and live off the occasional tourist".

Low-tone verbs are either unaccented or accented on the final syllable, triggering a low tone on unaccented suffixes. Should these be considered common nouns used as noun adjuncts? (maybe a third subclass with a null-suffixed genitive, or is there no distinction at all?)

In fact, here is a Rankmaniac 2012.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey this blog is getting really interesting. First it is snails and now it is time for ROAST PIGEONS!!!
