The Rankmaniac 2012 image gallery blog is back!
If you change which field in a model is the primary_key, in the generated migration python script sets the second to be the primary key before clearing the primary key on the first. This results in the error “django.db.utils.DatabaseError: table "_south_new_appname_modelname" has more than one primary key ”. Manually editing the script to switch the order of the statements in forwards fixes it.
pointfree: “pointfree --verbose 'pairs l = zip l $ tail l'” yields “pairs = ap zip tail”, which (as far as I can tell) is nonsense (type error).
pointfree: “pointfree --verbose 'f $ 0 - 1'” gives “f -1” which is a type error (missing parentheses). Or just “pointfree --verbose 'f (-42)' ”
Hey this blog is getting really interesting. First it is snails and now it is time for ROAST PIGEONS!!!